Monday 9 September 2013

Replaying Yesterday (H original)

The Warm summer breeze falls cool at night,
Last night for shorts, but first of many for hoodies.
All Summer you’ve waited,
Saved up all your change, done odd jobs.
It’s finally time, as the sun set you get there.
Everybody is there.
The friends you came with, people you haven’t
seen all summer, that couple who has been
together for years.
They are all here. Everybody.
Line after line you wait.
Getting in, getting tickets, buying food,
Experiencing it all, line by line.
You are singing, laughing, screaming, eating,
Fun you have every summer,
 fun that never gets dull.

The sun set earlier, it’s cooling down.
*Buzz* an email.
School is starting and you haven’t begun packing.
Courses have been picked for months.
Classes start Wednesday.
You can’t wait to see you newest friends.
Desk? … Check.
Dish soap? … Check.
Rent for this month? … Check.
All of a sudden you are an Adult.
Leaving home behind you.
“Are you coming tonight?”
Tonight? What’s tonight?
The magic has faded, but you agree to go.
Excitement you once felt has left.
Nothing new,
You’ve been a million times.

There it stands, the mother of fun and terror, towering right in front of you.
Terrified of the old steal, rusted, monster you stand in line.
The fear of falling off is what dares you on board.
The cage door is slammed and locked.
You grip the bars in front of you, hands already sweating.
*Click. Click. Click.*
Your cage moves up slowly, as the victims below are restocked.
The cart begins swaying, back and forth, back and forth.
*Click. Click. Click.*
Sitting, Waiting, You are at the top.
Looking down, what was just so big, now just specs.
*Chug. Chug.*
The cage moves slightly back.
It’s beginning,
Soon you are flying up and down the arms of the monster.
Flipping, starring at the ground as you plunge towards it.
Screaming, Laughing, Holding your breathe.
It stops. You’re alive.
*Chug. Chug*
You feel weightless as you are flung into what you can’t see.
The cage continues to jerk you around.
Flipping, seeing glimpses of what’s coming.
Screaming, Laughing, Holding your breathe.
It stops. You’re alive.
*Click. Click. Click.*
The monster has been defeated.
It carries you back to solid ground.
You’re out.
And right back in line.
It’s the fair.
The Zipper.
The whole point of having a childhood,
A summer,
A hometown,

Forever young.

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Swing Me High (G Original)

Push me
Swing me up high
‘til gravity loses his grip

And I go flying
Ejected into a haze of tree and sky

for a …m-o-m-e-n-t…

Everything is crystal clear
Suspended in the sun
Singing its summer song
Like a kid going on a merry-go-round

In s-l-o-w… motion.

‘Til just as rope and wood
Thunder back down to earth

So do I.
Released from the sky
Arching across the lake
Plunging straight down
A missile
Breaking her surface


Monday 2 September 2013

Sea Of Stone (B Original)

Buildings on the right and the left
Stone encompasses everything
No style, no feeling, just walls
That hide inside our minds,
Like a painting of the air
But there is no air
Because the stone steals
It steals the soul of feeling
The tunnel that does not end
It goes on and on and on
And on and on and on
That runs deep into the earth
It plunges into the darkness
And I am left to awe and wonder
Staring at a reflection of myself
Expressionless at a glance
Terrified at a stare
Tumbling through solid concrete
Rumbling to a halt 
And people and people
And people and space
No space, no air
The feeling of being surrounded 
Strangers, faces and shadows
Expressionless, faceless
They do not sense
They do not see
They cannot move
They cannot move
Panic and panic
To go, where to go
To hide my eyes
The sea of stone
But there is never an escape
And the tunnel does not end
And the walls do not return
The smiles that they stole